Product Updates

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  • September 23, 2024
    • Shop Floor Web App

      Kladana’s Shop Floor App is a web‑based application for managers and shop floor workers.

      It allows managers, technicians, and operations staff:
      ✅ To assign tasks for employees.
      ✅ To monitor their progress without compromising sensitive company data.
      ✅ To track labor costs.

      Shop floor workers can:
      ✅ View their scheduled and completed tasks.
      ✅ Check their wages for a specific period.

      Shop Floor App can be used both by employees with and without access to Kladana.

      Go to Production → Production → Production Orders → Open Shop Floor App.

      Try Shop Floor App ➡️

  • July 1, 2024

    Manufacturing Updates:

    • To improve planning and time tracking processes, the Production module now features a Standard Hours field. A standard hour represents the time expected to perform a specific operation. You can now specify and edit standard hours for each production stage in the Bill of Materials menu.

      Go to Production → Bills of Materials → Operations Costs → Standard Hour

      Add Standard Hours ➡️

    • Now you can track the completion of production orders with progress reports by stages. This helps you to identify bottlenecks in production processes: the volume awaiting or in production at each operation, and the workload of each operation measured in standard hours.

      Go to Production → Production Progress → By Operations

      Check the Progress Report ➡️

    Sales & Purchases Updates:

    • You can now create Delivery Challans in Kladana seamlessly. Use Delivery Challans to document goods sent for delivery, return, or job work without generating an invoice. This feature simplifies compliance, improves tracking, and ensures accurate record-keeping for your business operations.

      Check our Help Center for a detailed instruction on how to create Delivery Challans based both on shipments and on transfers.

      Try DC creation ➡️

  • May 15, 2024

    Production Updates:

    • Now you can choose how to calculate costs of finished products if more than one product is produced according to BOM. Costs can be calculated based on:
      ✅ the quantity of finished goods
      ✅ the sale price (more expensive products will receive a larger part of the cost in proportion to the ratio of the sales price)
      Go to Production → Bills of Materials → choose a certain BOM → Allocate costs based on

      Calculate Costs

    • Now there’s an option to create a custom sequence of production operations in your routings. You can add parallel operations with a common final stage.
      Go to Production → Routings → Choose a routing or create a new one → add or discard operations in the Next Operation menu

      Manage Operations in Routings

    • You can add a particular employee or several employees to the specific operational process.
      Once you’ve associated a specific operation with a particular employee, the performer field for that operation will be automatically filled in thereafter.
      Go to Production → Production Operations → Choose or create an operation → Performers → Choose or add an employee

      Assign Tasks to Employees

    Workflows Updates:

    • Now you can create several new workflows:
      ✅ The one that will automatically create a stock transfer for the remaining items in the sales order
      ✅ The workflow that activates when the date of the Sales Order shipment expires. The manager will receive a notification, the status can be changed, or the task can be created
      ✅ Two workflows that will automatically create a Sales Invoice or Sales Return based on the Shipment
      Go to Settings → Workflows → Add a workflow → Select the event that starts the flow (Sales Order/Shipment, etc) → Add actions & conditions

      Create New Workflows

  • March 18, 2024

    Production Update:

    • In the Production module, you can now find «Production Progress» section. It helps one to track manufacturing progress — how many stages have been completed. That’s convenient for managers who want to monitor the work of employees and subcontractors. Using additional filters, one can track the manufacturing of certain products, specific BOMs, warehouses, and operations.

      Track Production Progress

    Automation & Customization Updates:

    • We’ve introduced a new tool designed to streamline your work in Kladana, enhancing productivity. Simply download our free, ready‑to‑use templates, install and use them in Kladana. Improve your inventory tracking, as well as sales and purchasing processes, by incorporating advanced functionalities such as stock reports, sales and purchase orders, and other essential documents.

      Try Ready‑to‑use Templates

    • Furthermore, a new feature allows you to create workflows that automatically adjust the Warehouse field in a transaction based on specified conditions. This means you can set reserves simultaneously with order creation, initiate shipments when an order’s status changes, and more.

      Manage workflows

  • February 21, 2024

    New Integrations:

    • CRM — Zoho CRM, Hubspot, Pipedrive & Salesforce
    • Accounting — Zoho Books
    • Ecommerce — Shopify & WooCommerce
    • WhatsApp

    Connect Kladana with popular software

    Production update:

    • Now you can edit positions at the final stage of the production process. This allows you to consider unplanned waste during the production process or after the process is completed to break them down into modifications or goods items obtained during production.

    Supply update:

    • You can now create Stock Replenishment from Internal Order and add there Purchase Order, Production Order, or Stock Transfer. It helps to plan production while you are checking and planning inventory. If you have set up a minimum stock amount for inventory, you can automatically create an internal order from the Stock report just by clicking the button — Replenish stock. And then pass it to the production.

    Try New Feature

  • February 5, 2024

    Production updates:

    • We’ve introduced a new column for Raw materials within BOMs, allowing you to specify BOMs for each Raw material instantly.
    • Additionally, a new button has been added against Raw materials, enabling quick actions such as creating BOMs, replacing materials, and more directly from the BOM interface.

    Go to Production → Bills of Materials → Raw Materials → BOM

    Manage BOMs in Kladana

    CRM update:

    • When you generate a transaction from a Counterparty card, the associated Shipping Address will now be automatically filled in the related transactions. You will see shipping address in the transactions that allow to choose a counterparty.

    Workflows update:

    • You can indicate Sales Invoice as a Related Transaction to such Object as Sales Order.

    Go to Sales → Sales Order (open one of the orders) → Add Related → Sales Invoice

    Updrade Sales Orders in Kladana

  • 29 December 23

    Warehousing update:

    • Bin storage upgrade — you can now replace products from one bin to another.

      Go to Inventory → Transfers → create a transfer → choose a source storage bin (from) and a target one (to).

    Try bin storage in Kladana

    Sales & financials updates:

    • New custom templates are available for the Sales module. Now, you can create a tailored template by products, by employees, and by customers.

      Go to Sales → Profit → Print → Templates and Reports settings → Add template.

    Manage sales in Kladana

    • Payrolls — now you can create documents with salary details and track salaries more precisely. Make payrolls and manage basic and piece-work wages. It helps to track the information on salary expenses by employees and filter it by period. Moreover, in all mutual offsets, you can now track payments to employees more correctly.

      All created payrolls (excluding drafts) are considered in the Statement of Accounts report section. The salary amount will appear in the Incoming and Accruals column.

      Go to Financials → Payrolls → + Payroll → specify your company and billing date → add an employee and indicate their salary.

    • The Cash Flow Report menu now shows expense items. This helps to view the details of expenses, track the dynamics of changes in the cost structure, find and correct possible errors in accounting, and obtain information for planning expenses.

      Go to Financials → Cash Flow Report → By expense item
      To view detailed information on a specific expense item, click on the row corresponding to the expense item.

    Manage financials in Kladana

  • 8 December 23

    Manufacturing updates:

    • We have added a new way to fill out the composition of BOMs, which will simplify working with a large number of items. You can now bulk import raw materials for products and their variants in XLS or CSV format.
    • Now, an employee who does not have permission to edit a production task can click on the Produce button in a production order on the execution tab. So, an employee with limited rights can launch a production order.

    Try new production features in Kladana

    Sales & purchase order management updates:

    • In Receivings, we added the ability to specify a storage bin for several product items simultaneously. It is especially useful when different goods are placed in one bin after receiving them. For example, products of a certain brand or a supplier.

      Go to Purchases → Receivings → Mark needed goods with ticks → Manage Storage Bins

    Manage purchases in Kladana

    • In the Customer Orders list, you can now display the earliest unfulfilled task that needs to be completed first. This will help you plan your processes without missing important things. Go to Sales → Sales Order → Task.

    Manage sales in Kladana

  • 9 November 23

    Manufacturing updates:

    • You can assign particular production operations to certain employees in advance without completing these operations. That can be useful for those who plan work beforehand and distribute the workload among employees. Go to a production order → Process Tracking → «Performed by» column.
    • Now, you may schedule the production date and exact time in advance or after the production is complete. Go to a production order → Scheduled Production Date.
    • You can complete all operations and choose the exact day and time with a couple of clicks. Go to a production order → Edit → Complete all operations.
    • Changes History is now available in operation reports. Whenever a user makes any amendments, they are recorded. To see them, go to an operation report → Changes (in the top right corner) → now, you can monitor who made the changes, when & what exactly was changed.

    Try renewed production management in Kladana

    Inventory management update:

    • FEFO (First Expire, First Out) is now available not only for separate items but also for batches. Now, while creating a shipment, you can secret batches with products that are going to expire soon. Go to a shipment → Allocate batch → By FEFO.

    A bunch of other important updates:

    • Workflow templates are available. That means you don’t have to adjust new workflows from scratch but rather use a preset template. Go to Settings → Workflows → +Workflow → From the template → choose a relevant one. Six preset templates are available for now.
    • Now, you can indicate task statuses — active, or finished. Also, you can set your own task types, e.g. urgent, important, regular.
  • 13 October 23

    Manufacturing updates:

    • Partial manufacturing is now available. It allows one to process a production order in parts. Record the finished goods which have been produced today, then transfer, ship & sell them while continuing to produce the rest of the items in the production order.
    • You can record stock operations in Kladana if you produce in different locations. You may try this approach when you produce at your own facilities or hire a subcontractor and transfer raw materials or components to their location.
    • Kladana allows you to record two types of job work: external, provided by a subcontractor, and internal when your employees perform the operations.

    Inventory management updates:

    • In Kladana you can now select goods by FEFO in the Shipments. According to the FEFO scheme, you can now promptly select goods with the nearest expiration dates for your next shipment. FEFO (First Expire, First Out) is the inventory management mechanism designed to prioritize the quick shipment of products with the soonest expiration dates.
    • Now, Kladana allows you to indicate a batch name and set an expiry date simultaneously. Previously, you had to choose between these two options.
  • 6 September 23

    Online Order App updates:

    • You can make a few public links with different products, and prices. It’s handy when you need to make several catalogues for various types of goods or different customer groups.
    • Now you can make a link to a specific product from the entire product range. This is convenient if you need to promote a particular item when selling via social networks or messengers. Open OOA → open your online catalogue → choose the necessary item → click on the share button & copy the link.
    • In addition, we’ve changed the design of the interface. It became clear, and useful tips appeared.

    Install Online Order App in Kladana App Marketplace

    New features in manufacturing:

    • It is now also possible to manually link a purchase order or a sales order to a production order. This can be useful if you have purchased raw materials beforehand and now want to link them to a production order. In case you bought «external job work», you can link it to a production order too.
    • In settings, you can set the default product warehouse so that it automatically appears in a production order when it is created.
  • 15 August 23

    Shopify integration is now available:

    • Create and edit product cards in Kladana and get instant changes in Shopify
    • Synchronize the stock level
    • Automatically get new sales orders in Kladana from Shopify

    Install Shopify in Kladana App Marketplace

    New features in manufacturing:

    • Raw materials can be transferred directly from the supply interface. One can also link a production order with a related transfer
    • In a production order, one can indicate a materials warehouse and a product warehouse

    Workflows updates:

    • You can point specific source & target warehouses to automate work with transfers and production orders
    • A sales invoice can be linked to the relevant shipment and sales order
  • 26 June 23

    A few updates in warehousing filters:

    • The filter by a warehouse was added to the supply interface in a production order and to the stock replenishment interface in a sales order. It helps one to plan purchases and transfers of goods better.
    • In Online Order App, we’ve added the ability to apply additional settings to a public link. Now, you can select a particular warehouse or multiple warehouses. For instance, this is convenient for outlets that use different warehouses.

    A new feature in inventory management:

    • We’ve added a hard reservation for goods. It prohibits the shipment of reserved goods. When creating a shipment, you can now deny the shipment of a reserved item. It can be shipped only if the reserve is set in a certain order. For now, this only works for shipment, but we will soon add reserve control for other documents.

    A couple of updates regarding serial numbers:

    • Now you can add bills of materials with goods that are tracked by serial numbers to the production orders.
    • You can track the stock movement of goods tracked by serial numbers in Inventory → Serial Numbers.

    Workflows update:

    • Workflows now work for stock transfers, purchase returns, and outgoing payments. You can set a task to call a counterparty after creating a return, automatically change the status of documents, and set a goods reserve.
  • 5 June 23

    A new opportunity to boost sales without a website or an online shop.
    We’ve launched Online Order App that helps generate catalogue links with different prices, send them to customers and get sales orders automatically. Suitable for retail, wholesale and field sales.

    We’ve updated the documents workflow:

    • When you process a sales order, you can attach a shipment to it. Click on Add Related → Shipment.
    • While creating transfers of goods from a source warehouse to a target warehouse you can add a related receiving. Open Related transactions, then click on Link Transaction and choose the necessary one.
    • One can download, print, or send to a counterparty a template for the Transactions list.
  • 25 May 2023

    There is a bunch of updates in workflows:

    • One can change the Counterparty field in a new workflow. Go to Settings → Workflows → add a new one → Add action → Update Counterparty fields. For instance, add a customer whose purchases exceed a certain threshold to the Regulars group. Then one can work with such buyers in bulk — send mailings with special offers or transfer them to personal managers.
    • One can create a workflow for a sales return. Go to Settings → Workflows → add a new one → Object → Sales Return. It’s possible to automatically change the status of documents, set a reserve or pending, create tasks for employees, and send notifications.

    Changes in the production module:

    • While creating a bill of materials, you can set up the labour cost rate for each operation. Go to Production → Bills of Materials → add a new one → Operations Costs → Labour Cost. Thus the labour cost is calculated for the exact employee who completed the production stage.
    • Now it’s possible to open a product card either of a finished good or of a raw material in a production order. Go to Production → Production Orders → add a new one with all necessary products & click on the cards. So you can make changes straightaway.
    • We’ve added the Variance column in the production orders so that you could see the difference between the goods you planned to produce and actually produced goods.
  • 20 March 2023

    Long-expected API is now available in Kladana. API enables customized integrations with your own or third-party app. Thus you can extend core functionality. Read more about API documentation.

    New opportunities in the Production module:

    • Work in Progress (WIP) has been added. You can monitor WIP volume for each production order or a set of them. Also, it is possible to keep track of WIP for products in stock report, and to take it into account while creating sales orders — WIP is counted in the column In Transit.
    • Also, you can indicate particular employees who completed a specific production operation (section Process Tracking).
    • Unit cost column can be found in Operations Reports.
  • 27 January 2023

    Some new possibilities for our users in the Production module:

    • Operation Reports are available as a separate list of transactions. Now you can monitor all stages for all Production Orders, filter them by BOM or type of operation.
    • Custom Fields are available for Operation Reports. Custom Fields can be used to assign an employee to the specific stage or add ‘quality check’ mark for each stage + responsible for quality check person. Custom Fields are supported in Filter, too.
    • We add the possibility to print barcode stickers directly from the Production Order. After completion of production just print them according to the quantity of finished goods.
    • New default print form ‘Product costs estimation’ is available for the BOM.

    Also we have released a new Tutorial. Now you can not only pass through the main steps to create a Product, Receiving and Shipment, but also read about other features for each module.

  • 09 January 2023
    • Address Storage is available in Kladana. Now you can assign all current good stock to the bins in your Warehouse, define storage location and bins for received goods and choose manually or automatically bins in Receiving transactions. Also print form Pick List is available, it could help to speed up the order collecting process.
    • Batches and expiry dates are available in beta, this option can be switched on for your Kladana account after request to our support. Kladana helps you to account separately for the stock of goods with the same SKU but received from different Suppliers or with different expiry dates, monitor in reports products by batches, choose for the Sales order products from specific batches.
  • 07 December 2022

    A long-awaited update in the Production module: now you can change the quantity and list of Raw Materials in the Production Order before starting the production process, if any stage is completed or after all stages are completed. Also you can change the list and quantity of Finished Goods after the completion of any of the stages.

    It can be useful if:

    1. you produce very customized product and need to change raw materials before starting of production for a specific Production Order;
    2. you produced more or less after any of the stages and want to change quantity of the finished goods exactly after this stage;
    3. you want to replace raw material in the Production Order to a similar one without changing a BOM.

    More information on How to change actually produced goods and used raw materials in PO in our Help center.

  • 03 October 2022

    We have updated the default print format for some essential system documents: Sales Quotation and request for Quotation, Invoices, Receipt form and some more. Also you can download your company logo, it is supported in the system print forms.

    We added the possibility to request a custom print form directly from the interface. Our support team will create* it for you with all necessary data.
    (*) Available only for paid plans

  • 09 September 2022
    New print forms are available in the Production section. You can print BOM, Production order (completed or not), list of Production orders.
  • 07 September 2022

    We are back with great news: Send by email option is available in Kladana. Send in 2 clicks any document directly from Kladana to your counterparty. Choose how your customer or supplier will see it: as a link to a web-published document, attached .pdf or .xls file.

    Also we added auto sending of reports to your email: just switch it in for a specific report and you will get a report in your mailbox in the morning.

  • 28 June 2022

    We updated the linking mechanism for transactions. Now for most transactions it is possible to create different types of ‘related transactions’, manually link already created transactions to another one and easily find all related transactions and see their statuses and states.

    For example, you created an independent Purchase Order and Receiving. You can link these transactions with warehouse Transfer or Sales Order, in case if any of the transactions changes status or will be modified, it will be easy to track all involved transactions.

  • 30 May 2022
    GST calculation is now supported by Kladana. You can choose an appropriate tax regime for your company and for counterparties, fill State and GSTIN, fill HSN and SAC codes for product and service cards. GST (CGST+SGST or IGST) is calculated in all Sales and Purchase transactions. More information on GST in our Help Center.
  • 14 April 2022
    Update in User access rights configuration. Now you can set up permissions for each user or group of users very flexible: allow or deny access to the sections, provide different levels of access to create, edit or see transactions, define if reports are available and much more.
  • 24 March 2022

    We’ve improved Workflows. Now you can configure Workflow to run when one of several conditions is met.

    For example, it is possible to send a notification to the manager if the order amount is more than 10,000 or if there is an order from a specific Customer.

  • 18 March 2022
    • We’ve released ‘Materials allocation to committed stock’ for Production Orders in Kladana. This will help to reserve raw materials for specific Production Order.
    • Quantity of Finished goods can be changed after saving the Production Order.
  • 18 February 2022
    • Custom fields are now available for BOMs. It may be convenient if you want to add extra information about Materials or Production Operations. For example, nutritional value or a recipe for food.
    • Few conditions are available for Workflows. For example, «receive notifications on different status for Sales Order: Shipped, Paid, Canceled». It allows you to reduce the number of similar Workflows.
  • January 2022
    • ‘Supply’ function is available to order missing raw materials in the Production Order. Via ‘Supply’ you can create a Purchase Order for Raw materials or a Production Order for the components.
    • Reorder Point is available for Variants now.
    • Some updates for Process Tracking in Production Order: you can add and remove items from the list of raw materials before start of production or after completing any of the stages.
  • November 2021
    • More variants of Conditions for Workflows: operators ‘more’, ‘less’, ‘more or equal’, ‘less or equal’, as well as ‘filled’ and ‘not filled in’ are available to check the values in the fields of transactions.

      For example, if the Amount Ordered is ‘more’ than 100,000, Sales Order can be automatically assigned to a specific manager.

    • Production Order can be created against Sales Order now (one Production Order from one or several Sales Orders)
  • October 2021
    • Reorder Point: you can set up different values for different Warehouses for a specific Product (in Product Card ≫ fields to set up Reorder Point).
    • Several improvements in Production Orders: multiple BOMs are available in one Production Order, Production Operations are marked as ‘completed’ separately and you can specify Raw Materials for each production operation of the Routing in the BOM. Actual cost of Finished Products is calculated.
  • September 2021
    • Custom Sales Channels are available in Kladana. By the way, it is possible to assign a Sales channel for a Sales Order automatically, via Workflow.
    • The payment status is set up automatically for Sales Order and Shipment.