Kladana Integrations
Connect inventory, manufacturing & sales management with other popular solutions
- No more switching from one software to another, everything is in one place
- Use accounting integrations to control your finances
- Integrate Kladana with the CRM software to enhance your knowledge about the counterparties
- Receive notifications via WhatsApp
The application is developed by our partner — Albato
Integrations with the CRM Solutions
- Transfer data on new customers and suppliers from Kladana directly to your CRM
- Synchronize sales & purchase orders
- Enrich the database with your counterparties
- Available software: Hubspot, Pipedrive, Zoho CRM & Salesforce
Integrate Kladana
with Other Solutions
Choose the Right Software, and Easily Set
up the Triggers
Use Free 7-Day Trialup the Triggers
Integrations with the Accounting Software
- Create invoices and e-invoices based on sales orders in Kladana
- Convert purchase orders in Kladana into bills
- Automate payments, including incoming & outgoing ones
- Use banking features
- Available software: Zoho Books
Integrations with the Messenger
- Receive notifications of order status change
- Set up alerts on stock changes
- Available software: WhatsApp
Haven’t Found
the Integration You Need?
Fill in the form below, and we’ll get in touch with you
Price Plans
Monthly Billing
$0/ month
Annual Billing
$0/ month
Active automations 5
Steps per automation 2
Transactions 100
Monthly Billing
$19/ month
Annual Billing
$15/ month
Active automations 20
Steps per automation Unlimited
Transactions 1,000
Most Popular
Monthly Billing
$53/ month
Annual Billing
$42/ month
Active automations Unlimited
Steps per automation Unlimited
Transactions 5,000
Integrate Kladana
with Another Software
Use Free 7-Day TrialKladana×Albato Integration Benefits
Intuitive No-Code Integration
You just need to fill in the necessary fields, and here you go
Simply Copy & Paste
Copy the data from the API documentation and paste it into Albato App Integrator
Quick & Easy Implementation
You don’t need a department of developers and months to create an integration. Everything is made within a few hours
General Information
You can set up and customize particular triggers that launch certain actions — say, a new sales order is created in Kladana → an invoice is managed in the accounting software, or one makes a new purchase order in Kladana → data on the new supplier is added to the CRM software.
There are preset templates that you can use if they are sufficient for your business. In case you need something custom, you can adjust the integration according to your needs.
Order created/updated, counterparty created, stock updated, product created, shipment new/updated. The full list is available on the ‘How to connect Kladana to Albato’ page.
Order new/updated, new counterparty, product created, new shipment, items added to order, list of receipts, invoice received, list of movements, list of write-offs. The full list is available on the ‘How to connect Kladana to Albato’ page.
The full step-by-step guide with screenshots is available on the ‘How to connect Kladana to Albato’ page.
Pricing & Help
Albato support team can help you with that. Send an email with your request at [email protected], or visit Albato Help Center. Also, you can use free Albato courses to learn the basics.
Kladana doesn’t charge users. One must pay for Albato usage only.
Information Security
Albato is our technology partner which connects Kladana with third-party apps. Thus their support team can help you if you want to pay for a plan or fix a problem.
You may scrutinize Albato’s Privacy Policy to ensure that they carefully manage personal data.